International Bank Management

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This text provides current and integrated coverage of the important topics in international banking, including foreign exchange markets, derivatives, country risk analysis, asset-liability management, and banking strategies. In order to incorporate the central elements of this field, the text builds on a three-faceted foundation of risk-return tradeoff, the special barriers encountered in international business, and the unique features of banking business. By responding to the increasing globalization of financial markets, this text offers readers the comprehensive, international background they need to prepare for a successful career in banking.

Author(s): Dileep Mehta, Hung-Gay Fung
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Date : 2004
Pages : 416
Format : pdf
Quality :
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 1405111283
ISBN-13 :

Click Here to Download The Book


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